Vehicle fleet owners are always racing against time! Some of the challenges they face are to do with cost reduction, fluctuating fuel prices, achieving energy efficiency, safety, and productivity.Cost reduction is top priorityCost management is obviously the top...
This is an exciting time in the world of virtual reality (VR). As public interest in VR experiences and experience grows and VR hardware becomes more accessible, the mainstream marketplace for VR content is finally opening up.VR’s applications have stretched...
It’s the time for festivities! The calendar year drawing to a close also is synonymous with holiday shopping, gifts, celebrations, and vacations! This is also the time when small business owners don their thinking caps and put in some goals and objectives for the year...
It's no secret that Betsy DeVos is a major proponent of school choice – particularly school vouchers and charter schools. The first reaction, thus, is that her policies are likely to be good for charter schools.Pro School Choice Stokes ControversyHer strong...
More than four million miles of public roads crisscross the U.S. and more than three trillion miles were driven on these in 2016! More than six hundred thousand bridges made of steel, concrete and other materials support transportation across the country. While roads...