How to solve inventory issues and save schools money in the process

2 min

Even though we’re in the 21st century, many school districts still rely on written paper records for tracking school inventory. These records are subject to quite a bit of human error and can be easily lost or improperly sorted. Collating and analyzing the information can be difficult at best. Keeping track of potentially thousands of textbooks alone can be a logistical nightmare.

The need for a quick system for checking books in and out at the beginning and end of a school year or semester is essential to help prevent the cost of replacing textbooks, especially in this era of budgetary shortfalls. When you factor in other inventory tracking such as tablets and computers, projectors, cameras, etc. the problem can quickly become insurmountable.

When state budgets are cut, it’s often up to local school districts to make up the shortfall from local tax revenue. In communities where taxes are already high, or areas with a large low-income population, it may not be feasible to make up the difference.

An electronic, easy-to-use school asset tracking system can help reduce textbook and equipment losses by more accurately tracking school inventory. GoCodes is a highly customizable system with QR code tags – tags affixed with a unique visual code that can be scanned – for tracking school inventory. The convenience of scanning the GoCodes tags with a smartphone, iPad, or other mobile device eliminates expensive inventory management equipment. When scanned, the GoCodes tags can provide GPS information concerning the asset location, making it easier to track. The inventory management system is cloud-based, secure, and doesn’t require any software or upgrades.

In an era of prolonged budgetary shortfalls, proper school asset management has become more important than ever. Doesn’t an electronic system of asset management sound like a modern way to solve inventory issues and save schools money in the process?

Want to read more? Reduce School Loss with Asset Tracking Software

Other resources:

Enhanced Learning: The Benefits of School Tablet PC Programs

Improving School Inventory Management

Reduce School Loss with Asset Tracking Software


About GoCodes

GoCodes is the industry leader in school inventory tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and patented QR code tags.

We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.

GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their school asset management projects every time.

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