Construction contractors and other such service providers in the construction business tend to hold a special sense of dread for their glass installation equipment. Of course, there’s a valid reason for that worry: glass installation equipment keeps getting lost. This...
Running a school is no easy business. Managing any organization with a diverse set of operating units (class administration, staffing, children safety assurance, employee payroll, etc.) is simply quite tough. Add to it the strain of regulatory compliance on district,...
Fleet management focuses on making changes that lower costs and boost efficiency. It is a sum of many parts: extending vehicle life, optimizing fuel consumption and minimizing downtime. In particular, fleet managers have been exploring technologies to address issues...
Your charity works hard to earn valuable donations. It takes dedication! Raising public support is no easy task. Organizing events and appealing to donors is exhausting, and you have to work to earn every donation you receive. That’s why it’s so important...
Small businesses grow, and that’s a bigger challenge for them in comparison with already established big firms. Big companies can handle growth with already in-place processes and systems that can handle the strain. Small companies, however, not only feel the...