QR codes are increasingly being used by marketing professionals in many creative ways to build brand visibility and to track customer’s habits and preferences. Integrating QR codes into Taco Bell was one creative way to promote sales!Marketing professionals use a...
Studios are places where careers in the limelight are made! Studios involve an exhaustive list of expensive and high-end equipment. Managing all this state of the art equipment is challenging while keeping track of profits.Some of the high-end equipment can...
Running a generator rental business involves managing a range of generator equipment, asset tracking, providing efficient customer service, carrying out weekly and monthly audits and much more. The focus is both on increasing profit margins while building the...
It may sound like a grand statement, but every year that goes by not a single school escapes a certain amount of equipment and supplies that have just 'gone missing'. Some missing items are due to theft but the vast majority are simply items and even furniture...
For the third year in a row, GoCodes has made the PC Magazine list of 'The Best Asset Management Software'. Lanette Creamer cited GoCodes 'Easy-to-use software. Affordable price. Secure, tamper-proof physical stickers with owner information. Locates...