GoCodes is the world leader in smartphone scanable asset management for schools.
Learn how GoCodes Education Edition (EE) is the most powerful, affordable and easy to use asset management solution to your school's asset management challenges. Bring the power of smart phone scanners, QR code tags and web based software to your school for only $99/100 labels. And it's all available as an integrated solution from one vendor – GoCodes!
GoCodes Asset Management -Education Edition The world’s first QR code asset management solution designed specifically for schools and universities.
- Our Education Edition is designed to meet the unique requirements of schools and universities and features the power of GoCodes patent-pending smartphone ’scannable’ asset tags.
Get a COMPLETE asset management solution for less than $1 per asset, no additional tags, software, scanners or PC hardware to purchase and maintain.
- Schools face unique challenges in maintaining and reducing their administration costs and GoCodes answers that challenge by providing the best value in the industry. Our standard asset tags include our powerful, easy to use software free of charge, use smartphone scanners and can be purchased in groups for 100 for $99. That’s it, nothing to download and install no scanners to buy and no additional labels to purchase. Custom asset tags and premium software features start at $59/month.
Solve your school asset management challenges with a powerful integrated single vendor solution.
- GoCodes is the only company that provides a complete end of end single vendor solution that includes custom designed asset tags that work with any smartphone scanner and web-based management software that’s easy to use and works on any device. So there’s no hardware to purchase and no IT support needed. You can be up and running in minutes.
- Our amazing school software is designed for schools and allows you to easily track key asset information such as: type, make, model, serial number, assignment location, group, assigned to, warranty terms, service records, cost and check in/out status. You can also view and securely respond to messages that have been received when an asset was scanned. You can search for and select assets using a simple to use ‘Google’ style search as well as download custom Microsoft Excel reports for school administrators.
Schools all over the world have chosen GoCodes to meet their asset tracking requirements.
- Today schools all over the world rely on GoCodes Asset Management solution to track, manage and protect their assets.
GoCodes harnesses the power of smartphones and QR codes to take asset management to the next level
- Traditional asset tags can only convey very limited information due to their size, while GoCodes asset labels provide extensive detailed information about that asset when scanned with a smartphone
- GoCodes asset tags expedite the, assignment, audit, tracking and return process by allowing anyone who scans the school asset tag to instantly send a message to school administrators via email and text message
- Because GoCodes Asset labels work with smartphones, they can provide a map and GPS location when each asset is scanned. This unique feature helps with auditing and asset tracking and recovery in the event of loss
The GoCodes Asset Management Solution includes high-quality asset tags with your schools unique information
- GoCodes professional quality asset tags come in a range of sizes and specification. While our standard tag is made from premium polyester (1.5 x .75 inch) and features a strong permanent adhesive, we also offer tamper evident tags and metal tags with a broad range of options
Want to learn more? Request samples and a free trial today!
Other resources:
Enhanced Learning: The Benefits of School Tablet PC Programs
Improving School Inventory Management
Reduce School Loss with Asset Tracking Software
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