Where's it At? Automate Field Geo Services with GPS Tracking QR Codes

2 min

Geological services involve a lot of fieldwork in terms of onsite surveys, mining explorations, analysis of wells and much more. With the complexity of operations involved, staying on track of all remote assets is absolutely crucial to the operations.

field geo services using qr codes The GPS Edge

Geological surveys, mining explorations have to be carried out in remote locations using a wide range of equipment. Equipment need to be deployed in deep basements, difficult terrains, underground spaces or wells. Many times there are no computers or internet connectivity available for retrieving data related to assets.

GoCodes GPS based asset tracking with QR codes is the most efficient way to track and maintain such remote equipment. Business owners or managers can check the location of each equipment out in the field using the cost-effective GPS tracking with GoCodes asset tracking solutions.

GPS asset tracking with QR scans does not need specialized, expensive tracking devices or additional labor. Any of the field staff can log in details of equipment including the time of check out or check in, repairs carried out or usage time, using the smartphone. Every time the QR codes are scanned at any remote location, the GPS coordinates can be easily captured.

No need to reinvent the wheel

Maintenance of equipment in geo services is an essential and crucial part of the business lifecycle. Appropriate maintenance reduces risks at workplace related to equipment breakdown, hazards of chemicals or fire beside avoiding the costs related to downtimes.

Most of the technical problems related to equipment might have already been encountered earlier and resolved. Accessing manually entered data on spreadsheets or computer files to retrieve such information may be impossible. With field geo services operating in remote and hostile locations, internet connectivity and computers may not always be available to retrieve information.

With tight operational budgets and deadlines that geo services deal with, every minute lost can mean loss in productivity or poor return on investment.

With GoCodes QR codes and efficient asset tracking software, any technician or field operator can scan the QR code relevant to that equipment to retrieve data in any location.

The field operator can scan and update any maintenance or servicing work carried out and store the data in the central cloud database. Accurate data of every repair and maintenance work carried out on assets become available to anybody who needs them in the future.

GoCodes asset tracking solutions with QR codes mean there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time there is a repair or maintenance work needed.

Managing lifecycle of assets with GoCodes

Using GoCodes smart asset tracking solutions you can:

  • Store details of multiple equipment as and when they are purchased by scanning them with smartphone
  • Monitor asset movement when they are checked out or in from any location, sent for repair and maintenance or leased to any client
  • Report and record any technical problem or defect or onsite damage to take immediate corrective action
  • Carry out accurate audits of all equipment periodically

About GoCodes

GoCodes is the industry leader in tool tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and rugged QR code tags.

We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting-edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.

GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their tool management projects every time.

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