Help Save the Planet and Your Wallet by Using QR Codes for Equipment Tracking
Imagine how much unnecessary paperwork is used in equipment inventory and tracking. While we would like to think that the paperwork will eventually be recycled, that is not always the case. In fact, people get busy or complacent and it just doesn’t happen even with the very best in intentions. Fortunately, there is a solution that not only helps save the planet but your wallet as well by using QR Codes for equipment tracking.
The equipment at your business is one of your most important and expensive investments. Being able to track where that equipment is makes your workday easier and saves you the headache of missing items that are extremely costly to replace.
In this article...
How It Works
The QR Codes system from GoCodes is a total solution to your tracking needs. There is no software to install and maintain and it is automatic with the cloud-based asset tracking software. There are no barcode scanners to buy because it comes with free smartphone apps, and with the patented and customized QR code identification labels, there are no labels to buy and design.
Multiple Uses
It doesn’t matter what you are tracking, QR Codes help you keep up with your assets. From storage containers and building equipment to rental equipment and marine assets – QR Codes ensures that you know where it is at no matter what time of day or night. Best of all, you access the information easily and remotely so no matter where you happen to be, you easily keep up with your expensive inventory.
Real Life Examples
Let’s say that you own a construction business where many of the tools and equipment is bought and paid for by you – not the employees; this is many times the case when it comes to larger tools. You have the means to keep up with every single item that you label with the QR Code and instead of worrying when a piece of equipment goes missing, you simply pull up the information that you need which includes:
Serial number or identification number
Information about the item such as “heavy equipment” or “forklift”
The item’s exact location that is displayed with the address via GPS
This is helpful in finding items that are being used, checked out, or even for those that are missing. For example, a generator was not returned from the job site. You are able to then look up the item and see exactly where it is.
Helps Minimize Loss from Theft
The QR Code system cuts down on theft because you will always know where the item is and if you need to contact the authorities about stolen equipment, you have an address to send them to. In the past, you would have to wait until the item was missing, report it, and hope that there was some kind of lead or it ended up in a pawn shop and you were notified. Instead, you are able to immediately tell the authorities where the item is so it can be picked up. And if it was simply misplaced, you are able to pick it up yourself.
Seamless to Use and a Green Alternative
QR Codes make your equipment tracking easy and gives you a green alternative to stacks of paperwork that isn’t good for the environment.
Our system is not only easy to implement but it is intuitive and easy to you. You and your employees will love how it makes equipment tracking seamless and the added bonus is how it helps you be a more green company. Try it out with our free trial or if you would like to learn more, simply contact us. You can see for yourself just how easy it is to use and how smooth the transition will be!
About GoCodes
GoCodes is the industry leader in tool tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and rugged QR code tags.
We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting-edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.
GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their tool management projects every time.
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