Do You Need Asset Tracking For Your Church?

2 min

A church is, quite literally, doing the Lord’s work and they need all the help they can get. The church has many expensive and inexpensive artifacts, electronics, books, musical instruments, office equipment and church furniture such as tables and books that need to be protected from theft. Recently, churches have been sued over falls, slips and altar calls. What’s the connection between asset tracking and lawsuits? Let’s find out:

church asset tracking Church Accidents And Lawsuits

People have been seeking more monetary compensation from the churches (sad reality, we know) and the go-to reflex of most churches is their insurance company. But what if liability insurance doesn’t cover it?

A lawyer sees the potential winnings from the case, and that happens if the church has assets. It is likely that the depreciation of assets like furniture etc. was not tend to in time and a worn out step ladder or alter caused the accident. With asset tracking that offers depreciation tracking as well, it is easy to know when the furniture needs to be replaced or requires maintenance or restoration. This may well help prevent many accidents from occurring.

Inventory Audits Are More Streamlined

There is a lot of inventory like books and musical instruments that need to be tracked for the effective functioning of the church. Quick checks can be performed with the help of barcodes and GPS tracking means that you can track the inventory anywhere and anytime using your smartphone or tablet. This means that if a bible or other text book has been borrowed by a church goer, you can know where it is exactly and contact the person who has it and retrieve it almost immediately.

Before a mega Sunday service, it is crucial to have all the instruments being used for the congregation, to be with their respective players. There can be tiresome delays if even one such instrument is missing. This is made easy with barcode asset tracking so that you can perform a quick little audit of your instruments to see if they are complete and where they are at that exact point in time.

Less Spreadsheets: Everything Is Done On Cloud

Pastors and representatives of the church used to have extensive lists on their inventory items on paper and the audit used to take ages. The situation got a little better when people started using the legacy systems for inventory management. Everything was tracked and monitored using spreadsheets which was a big step in cutting time.

But it still wasn’t real-time. Then came the cloud systems that modern day logistics firms use, which allows real time tracking of orders and shipments as well as inventory. Just imagine if your church uses the same. You can have near instant audits of your books and even your instruments ahead of your sermon at the Sunday service, giving you more time to work on the sermon for more effective delivery and relevant content.

To get a feel of what asset management for a church is like, please visit GoCodes Total Asset Management and sign up for a demo or call us at 1-800-513-5778.

About GoCodes

GoCodes is the industry leader in office asset & inventory tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and patented QR code tags.

We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.

GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their office asset management projects every time.

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