Why is summer the perfect time to implement asset tracking in schools?
Summers are the best time for asset tracking. It’s when school students as well as the staff are on summer break. There are no distractions around and it is safe to have a new asset management software implemented. Any relevant training sessions for school administrative staff can also be done in the last leg of the summers, when the software system has been fully implemented.
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Not disrupted by school or extra-curricular activities
When the schools are off, it is much easier to have all the assets taken into account and barcoded for the last time, there will be no disruptions from noisy class students or school activities during the summer vacations.
Even if there are some minor disruptions from the summer school students or from those in detention, they wouldn’t nearly be as much as when the school was occupied during peak school hours in normal days. Barcoding furniture such as tables and chairs, electrical hardware such as the PCs and Tabs in the computer laboratories and other school items would not be disrupted and could be done within a day or two so that it’s ready to be implemented during the following school year.
No worries about theft
It’s easy for school property to be stolen during the summers when no one is around. Therefore it is better to have asset tracking implemented as early as possible during the summer to minimize the risks and chances of theft of school property.
Even if a robbery occurs on the school premises in the summer, it can be easily tracked and located using barcodes placed on the surface of your school’s property like tables chairs and other more expensive equipment.
No manual entries
Asset tracking done through barcode entry makes the grueling process of manual data entry, a thing of the past. Asset tracking is automated and easy so you will always know where your equipment is present and where it is needed at all times. The human error element is completely removed as real time tracking makes it easy to add assets, check them in or out, moved from one class to the other without the need for manual entry of data. It is all updated automatically.
All in one place
A centralized system of using data and school resources in the form of an asset management software allows teachers to use their lectures and materials such as library books, newspapers, case studies and notes etc. without any overlaps with other teachers. The database will allow the users (teachers and others) to interact using one database that can be accessed from different devices. Also each change in the database will be recorded so that the one who made the change is held accountable for his/her actions. If someone needs to know where a particular book in the library is, for example, they can quickly confirm from the last person to check it out of the library.
If all these changes happen before the start of the year, it will help the transitionary period and learning will remain short and sweet. To get asset tracking for your school, visit us at Go Codes Total Asset Management.
About GoCodes
GoCodes is the industry leader in school inventory tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and patented QR code tags.
We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.
GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their school asset management projects every time.
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