Using QR Codes to Rapidly Automate Logistics for Crisis Response

2 min

Natural disasters can cause huge dents to the economy in terms of damages to property and productivity besides taking lives. The recent Hurricane Harvey cost $180 billion in property damage and killed at least eighty two people. Hurricane Irma affected more than one million people in countries that were in the line of the storm. The raging wildfires in California burned down 1,046,995 acres of land!

emergency responder asset tracking Why is asset tracking important in natural disasters?

When disasters strike, the first response from crisis response teams is critical to save lives and minimize as much damage as possible. Although it is impossible to predict when the disasters might strike or the extent of it at all times, a well thought out disaster management strategy and equipment readiness can minimize damage to a large extent

Crisis response teams involve numerous disciplines including firefighters, emergency medical teams, K-9 teams, paramedics, public health and other human resources. When every minute’s delay can cost lives, it is important to stay prepared with the emergency equipment and supplies that can be needed in vast quantities and in quick time.

Crisis response teams need to deploy equipment to clear roads, remove accumulated debris in landslide affected areas and carry out extensive excavation during earthquakes. Time is of essence as removal of hazardous materials in fires or other emergencies is critical to avoiding more deaths and injuries.

Manual entries can cost lives

Keeping track of all available resources as they are flown in from different sources can be extremely difficult.

Sometimes there is very little time available for crisis response teams to pull the resources together to respond. In this situation, keeping track of all equipments and entering their details manually is impossible. The delay in entering manually may cost many more lives.

The best way to track all the assets and resources of multiple crisis response teams is to use an intelligent asset tracking solution such as the one offered by GoCodes.

Speed up crisis response with asset tracking from GoCodes

GoCodes cloud software and QR codes make it possible to speed up the logistics of crisis response. All that is needed is a smartphone and downloading of free QR scanning app from GoCodes. Quickly scanning in all equipment that is checked out enables an accurate inventory which can be retrieved at any time later.

Moreover, during natural disasters, it is quite common to see thefts and pilferages as manpower is not available for law enforcement at all times. Losing costly equipment mean huge financial losses and besides, the equipment becomes unavailable when it is needed the most. With customizable QR codes from GoCodes, each equipment gets a unique tag which can be tracked easily. It is also easy to know when the equipment was last handled and by whom in which location. Such information can be valuable when every minute counts so that the missing equipment can be traced quickly.

With smart asset tracking solutions from GoCodes, there is increased accountability in terms of resources and assets. Purchasing of duplicate equipment or errors in recording the inventory are avoided with GoCodes asset tracking solutions.

About GoCodes

GoCodes is the industry leader in tool tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and rugged QR code tags.

We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting-edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.

GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their tool management projects every time.

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