Beekeepers Are Buzzing About Asset Tracking

3 min

A recent theft in California of almost $1 million worth of bees, which some are calling the biggest bee theft in history, is the culmination of a recent explosion in bee theft activity. And it makes sense! After all, the market for stolen bees is a booming. Our state of the art asset tracking software is the best loss prevention solution for beekeepers.

Protecting Hives

With all the buzz over stolen bees, it’s time for beekeepers to update their hive tracking practices. Keeping track of a large number of hives is no simple task. That’s why the ability to efficiently take an accurate inventory of hives is so important. The best solution is digital. Beekeepers should take advantage of the best asset tracking software and quickly apply a fast and accurate solution to this emerging threat.

Managing Costs

Implementing a state of the art asset tracking system to your apiary is a daunting task. The costs alone can be huge: acquiring software and scanners is expensive. You need good computer that can handle your data and asset tracking software. 

Fortunately, we’ve created an affordable solution that utilizes the technology you already have in your pocket – a smartphone – and cloud computing to solve the hardware problem.

There’s no need to spend on new hardware! Our free mobile app makes your smartphone into an asset scanner. Our software and data-handling cloud-based system handles everything for you, so you don’t even need a computer – just use our state of the art asset tracking solution remotely while we handle the computing for you!

You can try our system for free with our risk-free 30 day trial. See for yourself how effective our solution is!

Simple Hive Tracking

Beyond expensive asset tracking equipment, managing assets can get really tricky. If you’ve ever struggled with spreadsheets and using software to track your bee colonies, you know just how complicated asset tracking can be!

The logistics of creating a hive tracking system cost you time as well. The hours you spend working on your own inventory system are valuable man hours you can spend on more important tasks. But that’s no reason to keep your asset tracking on paper. As your apiary grows, you need a scalable solution that’s easy to use.

Our asset management system is simple and intuitive. You can ditch the spreadsheet – our solution automatically tracks fixed asset depreciation and loss reports as well. All the numbers you need for tax reports and theft reports are just a click away.

You don’t even need to worry about installing software, operating system compatibility, updates, or cybersecurity. We take care of all that for you. Your asset data is kept secure on our cloud system that we maintain for you. That lets you focus on what you care about: your hives.

Patented QR Code Labels with GPS Tracking

Our patented labels use unique QR codes that you can quickly scan with your smart phone.

This makes tracking your inventory easier than ever. Check your bee hives in and out of our inventory tracking system in an instant with a quick scan from your smart phone. This is the perfect way to keep track of bee hive rentals, allowing you to maintain an accurate account of which clients have which hives at all times.

Doing so on your smart phone lets you track your assets from anywhere. You can check your hives out on the spot after delivering them to your clients!

For a worst-case scenario, we track any of your missing hives to anywhere in the world with our state of the art GPS tracking technology. This gives law enforcement a fighting chance at recovering your stolen colonies before they go too far.

Don’t fall victim to bee thieves. Your asset tracking solution is here and it’s affordable!

About GoCodes

GoCodes is the industry leader in tool tracking. We provide customers with the ultimate single vendor solution that includes cloud-based software, top-rated smartphone scanner apps and rugged QR code tags.

We pride ourselves on delivering a personalized service, cutting-edge technology and software that is easily used by your entire team.

GoCodes ensures our customers achieve success in their tool management projects every time.

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