Key Takeaways: Construction is lagging behind other industries when it comes to productivity. Contractors lose up to 90 hours per month on asset tracking, which hinders their productivity. Adopting technology like asset tracking software and BIM is key to...
Key Takeaways: When construction productivity is high, projects can be completed within or under budget. Improved productivity makes it possible to prevent delays that can lead to additional costs. Companies known for their productivity have a competitive edge and...
Key Takeaways: Poor project planning is the main cause of delays in construction and hinders productivity on the construction site. Ineffective budget and material management can put projects on hold. A lack of communication among stakeholders makes it difficult for...
Key Takeaways: Construction efficiency translates directly to cost- and time-savings. Construction companies that put effort into improving their efficiency successfully avoid the impact of labor shortages. Technology plays an important role in enhancing efficiency...
Key Takeaways: Delays caused by weather, supply chain disruptions, and labor shortages lead to increased costs. Inadequate equipment maintenance results in project delays. Poor communication is the main cause of construction rework. Manual processes and fragmented...