A business uses a substantial portion of its revenue to acquire new assets. No wonder asset tracking tops the priority list of every asset manager. Asset tracking provides visibility into asset usage, helping your managers schedule timely maintenance and replacement....
UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is a format of identification code printed on products. There are two components to UPC- a barcode and a 12 digit identification number. The main objective of universal product codes are easy identification of product details...
BLE or Bluetooth Low Energy is a form of wireless area network technology that has been designed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group or Bluetooth SIG. Bluetooth Low Energy has been developed for unique and innovative applications in the fields of medicine,...
Businesses acquire a number of assets to augment their income. Tracking their assets must top the priority of organizations. In many cases, teams get so involved in other activities that asset tracking takes a back seat, often resulting in substantial losses. When it...
Businesses use a substantial percentage of their revenues for acquiring tools and equipment. You cannot just acquire new tools and forget them. To achieve your ROI goals, you must have an effective asset management tracking system that can help track the status...